
Parish News

Diaconal Ordination of Peter An

Diaconal Ordination of Peter An

Join us as we celebrate with great joy the Ordination of Peter An to the Transitional Diaconate by the Most Reverend William T. McGrattan, Bishop of Calgary. Please share this announcement widely with your parishioners to encourage attendance and support for Peter An on this blessed day. 

  • When: Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, Saturday, Dec. 28, 2024 at 5 pm, at St. Mary's Cathedral in Calgary
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Mission Mexico Day

Mission Mexico Day

Join us in supporting Mission Mexico Day on Dec 12, the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, and Mission Mexico Sunday on Dec 15 in the parishes. These special days remind us of our call to walk in solidarity with marginalized communities in southern Mexico, providing vital support for education, healthcare, and sustainable development. Let us come together to share hope and transform lives through our generosity.

Speak up on MAiD

Speak up on MAiD

Bishop McGrattan invites you to make your voice heard regarding Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD). If you haven’t already, please take a few minutes to complete the Alberta MAiD engagement survey and share your feedback. We encourage you to share the message below with your parishioners and communities through your communication channels. To print the poster, click here.====



Your Voice Matters: Speak up on MAiD

The Alberta government is seeking feedback on Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) processes and regulations. Your feedback will help inform the Alberta government's planning and policy decision making, including potential legislative changes to medical assistance in dying in Alberta. Please take a few minutes to complete the online survey and share your feedback.

We pray for lawmakers to uphold the sanctity of life and ensure policies protect the most vulnerable. Please make your voice heard. 

Rest in peace, Bishop Henry

Rest in peace, Bishop Henry

Thank you for the prayers, support, and assistance you have offered for the funeral of our beloved Bishop Henry. The prayers for Bishop Henry were beautifully celebrated on Monday and Tuesday this week.

  • Watch the recorded live-stream from the Funeral Mass.
  • Worship aid for Prayers for Bishop Henry (Morning Prayer, Rosary, Divine Mercy and Evening Prayer, Vigil Prayer, and Funeral Mass) is available here. Download

Practical Tips for Going to Confession

Going to confession can be a profound spiritual experience if you prepare well. Here are some practical steps:  

1. Spiritual Preparation

  • Prayer: Ask the Holy Spirit for help in recognizing your sins and fostering true contrition.  
  • Examination of Conscience: Reflect on your life using the Ten Commandments, the Beatitudes, or other moral guides. You can also use an examination tailored for adults, youth, or children.  

2. Contrition

  • Consider how your sins have affected your relationship with God, others, and yourself. True contrition comes from love for God (perfect contrition) or fear of His justice (imperfect contrition).  

3. Make a Firm Resolution to Change

  • Decide on specific steps to avoid sin in the future. Think about what habits or circumstances you can change to live more faithfully.  

During Confession

Step 1: Greeting the Priest

  • - Begin by saying:  
  •   In the Name of the Father ... 
  •   Then continue:  
  •   It has been [time] since my last confession, and I fulfilled my penance.

Step 2: Confess Your Sins

  • Clearly and honestly state your sins, without justifying or hiding anything. Focus on mortal sins but also include venial sins you want to confess.  

Step 3: Listen to the Priest

  • The priest may offer advice or encouragement. Listen attentively, as his words can guide your spiritual growth.  

Step 4: Express Contrition

  • After the priest speaks, express your sorrow by praying an act of contrition, such as:  
  •    Lord, have mercy on me, a sinner.

Step 5: Receive Absolution

  • When the priest absolves you, respond with: Amen.

After Confession

  • 1. Fulfill Your Penance: Complete the assigned penance as soon as possible to fully close the sacramental process.  
  • 2. Live in Grace: Pray daily, avoid occasions of sin, and stay close to the sacraments to grow in your spiritual life.  

By following these steps, confession becomes not just an obligation but a meaningful encounter with God’s mercy.

Penitential Service - 18 of December

Confession, or the Sacrament of Reconciliation, remains essential today for several reasons despite the challenges and distractions of modern life:

1. Reconnecting with God:

  • In a world that often emphasizes self-sufficiency, confession reminds us of our dependence on God's mercy and grace.
  • It helps restore and deepen our relationship with God when it has been damaged by sin.

2. Cleansing the Soul:

  •   Sin burdens our hearts and minds. Confession provides a way to unburden ourselves, receive forgiveness, and experience spiritual renewal.

3. Developing Self-Awareness:

  •   Through the examination of conscience, we reflect on our actions and choices, becoming more aware of how we align—or fail to align—with God's will.
  •   This practice fosters personal growth and moral clarity, especially in a world filled with moral ambiguities.

4. Healing Relationships:

  •   Confession helps us acknowledge how our sins affect others and strengthens our resolve to repair broken relationships.
  •   It promotes forgiveness, both from God and from ourselves, which is crucial for emotional and spiritual health.

5. Guidance and Accountability:

  •   The sacrament provides an opportunity to seek guidance from a priest, who acts as a spiritual mentor.
  •    In today's isolated and individualistic culture, this accountability can help us stay on the path of holiness.

6. Receiving Grace for Strength:

  • Confession imparts sacramental grace, which helps us resist future temptations and grow in virtue.
  • It equips us to face the unique challenges of our time, such as materialism, digital distractions, and social divisions.

7. Countering Modern Cynicism:

  • In a world often marked by cynicism and despair, confession offers hope. It reminds us that no sin is too great for God's mercy.
  • It combats the idea that morality is relative, affirming the unchanging truth of God’s love and justice.

Why Now More Than Ever?

  •    Pace of Life: With the fast pace of modern life, we risk becoming disconnected from our spiritual needs.
  •    Cultural Challenges: Issues like moral relativism, consumerism, and the normalization of sin make it easy to stray from God’s path.
  •    Mental Health: Confession’s healing power can complement efforts to address guilt, shame, and anxiety, offering peace that only God can give.

In essence, confession today is not just about seeking forgiveness—it is about embracing a transformative encounter with God's mercy, which is profoundly needed in our complex and often fractured world.


206-9th Avenue West
High River, AB T1V 1A4

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