Liturgical Ministry

Altar Servers


What it means to be an Altar Server.

People, who attend Mass wonder who are those young boys wearing white?  They are altar servers.  Altar servers are young men who serve the priest whether it is Eucharistic Adoration, Mass, or a regular service. Altar Servers perform a very important role in liturgical services.  This role includes assisting the presider so that the liturgy can be conducted with grace and reverence.  We are always looking for young men to be part of this special ministry.

We are looking for responsible, reliable altar servers who are willing to learn all altar server roles, assist as needed at special Masses and training sessions, and help lead a team of altar servers during Masses.  All volunteers must be registered parishioners.  If you are interested in learning more about the new lead altar server role, please contact parish office: 403.652.2203

Vision Statement

Instructed by Jesus, our High Priest and Lord of the Harvest, to pray He send out laborer’s into His harvest (cf. Luke 10:2), the parishioners of Saint Francis de Sales Parish will back the Altar Servers program with their prayers, support, sacrifice, and love.

Ongoing formation, growth and development in the areas of liturgical service, love of the Holy Mass and Eucharist, prayer and spirituality, catechesis as taught by the Catholic Church, charity in action (volunteering), all in an environment of collegial fun, joy, and recreation, will provide the setting needed to hear, reflect, and discern God's plan and will for those engaged in this ministry.

We cannot do alone, as much as we can do together, in Christ, and for Christ.

Altar Server of the Month

Altar Server of the Month

"Go, make disciples of all nations ... "

As altar servers, each one of us is like a disciple sent by Jesus to different countries around the world. Every server has a specific country to reach, and they all need the same number of steps to get there. After reaching their destinations, the altar servers will be invited to join a group trip or event. At the annual patronal celebration, the top three servers with the highest points will receive an award.


  • Altar Servers Spirituality (Daily prayer life, sacramental life, meetings)

  • Ongoing Formation (Meetings, Catechesis, teachings, retreats, trips, recreation)

  • Unity (Mutual encouragement & support, collegiality, recreation and fun)

  • Vocational Discernment (Promote the Priestly & Religious Life)

  • Charity in Action (Servant Leadership, Volunteering in the Parish and outer community)

  • Year 1: Introduce the new vision of the program, restructure the current model, actively promote and seek new recruits, grow parish support, and develop, implement, & monitor progress.

  • Year 2: Further develop and refine the program, create archives, and actively promote the program by seeking new recruits.

  • Year 3: Evaluate

  • Sunday Mass Attendance: 5 Points (steps)

  • Special Mass Attendance: 3 Points (steps)

  • Monthly Meetings Attendance: 2 Points (steps)

  • No Call/No Show (Without Valid Reason): 2 Points (steps)

  • Misbehavior/Lack of Discipline: - 2 Points (steps)

Go before us O Lord, in this our sacrifice of Prayer and Praise, and grant that what we say and sing with our lips we may believe in our hearts, and practise and show forth in our daily lives. Through Christ our Lord.


Bless, 0 Lord, our hearts and minds, and grant that as we leave Your house, we may continue to be aware of Your presence. Through Christ our Lord.


Annual Celebration of the Patronal Feast Day for Altar Servers: Christ the King - Last Sunday in Ordinary Time

New candidates are sworn in and accepted to the order of Altar Servers

• Recognition of those Altar Servers who move from lower levels to higher levels

• Recognition of those Altar Serverss who have excelled in their service

Leadership • Attitude • Attendance


206-9th Avenue West
High River, AB T1V 1A4

Talk to us

(403) 652 2203
(403) 601 3886