Liturgical Ministry


Liturgical Ministries
Liturgical MinistriesLectors

Liturgical Ministries.

Minister of the Word.

  • According to the ancient tradition and the teaching of the Church, the proclamation of the readings apart from the Gospel is ministerial not presidential. Therefore, the readings are proclaimed by a lay minister and the Gospel by the Deacon, or in his absence, by a priest. (IL #51; GIRM #59)
  • The use of two readers – one for each reading – is encouraged. The parish community should strive for enough trained lectors to fulfill this goal (IL #52)
  • Effective proclamation involves the delivery of the message with clarity, conviction and appropriate pace. The Word of God is not merely read, it is proclaimed. Proclamation ministry presupposes faith and rouses faith in those who hear the word proclaimed
  • All liturgical ministers, especially the Ministers of the Word, must be properly trained for their ministry. The lector requires skill in public reading, knowledge for the principles of liturgy, and an understanding and love of the scriptures. Normally, only properly trained and commissioned lectors are scheduled for liturgy (IL #52).
  • Readers are baptized Christians whose lives witness to the Word in which they proclaim. On some occasion, with a proper training, a young person who is not yet fully initiated may serve as a reader during a liturgy.

A way to celebrate together.

About This Ministry.

Each of us is called to our faith in different ways just as each of us is called to give to our parishes in different ministries. The lector ministry calls to those passionate about the proclamation of the Word.

When we bring the living Word of God to the assembly, we should do it in hope of helping our fellow parishioners experience the proclaimed Word as a powerful prayer and celebration. To do this, our lector ministers should be skilled at public speaking, have knowledge of the principles of liturgy, and understand and love the scriptures. In addition, all potential lectors must be:



If you want to become a Lector.

Lectors are an adults from the parish that are chosen by the priest from people who have a pleasant voice and who are not afraid to stand in front of people to reverently proclaim the Word of God. Lectors are scheduled based on each person’s schedule and Mass preference.

To register, please contact  Parish Office at 403-289-2591


Thank you for taking
Part of the Ministry.

Almighty God,
be with me, your servant,
as I proclaim your word to the assembly,
May my proclamation
of the scriptures
help your word live anew among this gathering
of the body of Christ.
I pray that I will serve you in all that I do.
Grant this through Christ our Lord.

Each of us is called to our faith in different ways just as each of us is called to give to our parishes in different ministries. The lector ministry calls to those passionate about the proclamation of the Word.

When we bring the living Word of God to the assembly, we should do it in hope of helping our fellow parishioners experience the proclaimed Word as a powerful prayer and celebration. To do this, our lector ministers should be skilled at public speaking, have knowledge of the principles of liturgy, and understand and love the scriptures. In addition, all potential lectors must be:

» Confirmed Catholics who attend church on a regular basis.
» Registered parishioners of St. Francis De Sales Parish.
» If married, married in the church
» Taking on only one form of ministry during any particular Mass

For those interested in this very important ministry, please see “requirements”.

And remember…
“When this word is proclaimed in the Church and put into living practice, it enlightens the faithful through the working of the Holy Spirit and draws them into the entire mystery of the Lord as a reality to be lived” (Introduction to the Lectionary for Mass #47).

To arrange for a meeting with the Parish Priest please call the Parish office 403.652.2203 or Contact

To be a Lector at ST. Francis De Sales Parish, you must:

  • Be skilled at public speaking, have knowledge of the principles of liturgy, and understand and love the scriptures
  • Be a confirmed Catholic who attends church (Saint James) on a regular basis
  • Be a registered parishioner of St. Francis De Sales Parish
  • If married, be married in the Church
  • Taking on only one form of ministry during any particular Mass
  • Complete an initial lector training session and refresher courses once per year.

When you answer the call to be a minister of the word, you enter a deeper relationship with God revealed in sacred scripture. You take upon yourself the awesome duty and privilege of bringing the printed word to life, making it flesh. Your proclamation enables God’s word to achieve the purpose for which it was sent. In short, you become a prophet, one who speaks for God.

Women and men who take on the ministry of reader are presumed to be of good faith, eager to serve their fellow Catholics, and willing to engage in ongoing formation for effective service. The mere wish or willingness to serve as a reader does not qualify one for ministry. It requires certain native abilities that some do not have, such as an adequate vocal instrument. It also requires confidence, maturity, poise, and sensitivity to diversity in one’s audience. Like all ministries in the church, liturgical proclamation of the word is an awesome responsibility to which one is called and into which one is formed. Our parish has a comprehensive document that every Lector must read. Please click Lector Guidelines for the document that is mandatory reading for all Lectors.

Wishing you Godspeed in your Lector related endeavors.


206-9th Avenue West
High River, AB T1V 1A4

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