
Anointing of The Sick

Sacrament of the Sick
Sacrament of the SickSt. Francis De Sales Parish

Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick.

What is Anointing of the Sick?

Anointing of the Sick is a sacrament of healing, both physical and spiritual. This sacrament helps us endure illness, uniting our passion with that of the Lord. It cleanses our souls and helps us prepare to meet God.

“Is anyone among you suffering? He should pray. Is any one among you sick? He should summon the priests of the Church, and they should pray over him and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord, and the prayer of faith will save the sick person, and the Lord will raise him up. If he has committed any sins, he will be forgiven”

James 5: 14-15

A way to celebrate together.

When do we celebrate Anointing of the Sick?

Anointing of the Sick is available upon request.  If you are going to the hospital for a procedure that involves general anesthesia, or suffer any serious illness, it is appropriate to request the Sacrament of Anointing.  See the priest after any Mass or call the Parish Office for more information.



Why is Anointing of the Sick Important?

As one of the sacraments of healing, the Anointing of the Sick absolves sins if we’re unable to go to Confession. Sometimes even our physical health is restored, if it’s conducive for the salvation of our soul. Lastly, Anointing of the Sick prepares us to pass from death to eternity, replacing fear with faith, so that we may pass from this life to the next with hope.

Anointing of the Sick.

Let's Pray for one another.

To make arrangements please call or have a family member call
Office: 403.652.2203
Fr. Marius 403.992.2313

This sacrament of mercy and healing offers prayers for possible recovery, but its primary intention is to give spiritual strength and calm the soul of the one suffering from illness.

This Sacrament is not just for those in danger of death, but for anyone who suffers from serious or chronic physical or emotional illness or who struggles with the infirmities of age.  Those scheduled for a surgery or hospital stay may request this sacrament prior to entering the hospital.  
To arrange a time please call the office at 403.652.2203

When the church cares for the sick, it serves Christ himself in the suffering members of his Mystical Body.  The Church shows this solicitude by visiting those in poor health, raising them up through the sacrament of anointing, and by also nourishing them with the Eucharist during their illness.  Holy Communion is brought once a week to those who are sick or unable to attend church on a regular basis.  If you are hospitalized, we would like to visit and pray with you during your stay. 
To make arrangements please call or have a family member call the office at 403.652.2203

Father of goodness and love, hear our prayers for the sick members of our community and for all who are in need. Amid mental and physical suffering may they find consolation in your healing presence. Show your mercy as you close wounds, cure illness, make broken bodies whole and free downcast spirits. May these special people find lasting health and deliverance, and so join us in thanking you for all your gifts. We ask this through the Lord Jesus who healed those who believed. Amen.


The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick is administered by a priest to a baptized person who is suffering from serious illness or in danger of death, through prayer and the anointing of the body with the oil of the sick. The proper effects of the sacrament include a special grace of healing and comfort to the Christian who is suffering.

The Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick is a special opportunity for the Lord’s healing power to touch those who are experiencing an illness or the aging process. Any person afflicted with an illness or aware of the limitations inherent in aging is eligible for the sacrament. This includes the elderly, those anticipating major surgery, post-surgical patients, those suffering from long-term disability, heart and stroke patients, as well as those experiencing emotional or physical stress.

Anytime a person is facing a serious illness, surgery or hospitalization, it is proper to receive the Sacrament of the Sick. Should you, or someone you know, be unable to attend Mass because of illness, arrangements can be made to have communion administered in the home by a Communion for the Sick Minister.

Grave illness brings with it a host of struggles: physical discomforts, lifestyle changes, mental anguish and emotional sensitivity. Facing the danger of death from illness - or simply from old age - also brings the spiritual challenge of wrestling with the reality of dying and the question of where we stand before God. The sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick offers special graces – including strength, peace and courage - to lighten the burden of these very trials and to help us deepen our trust in God (cf. CCC #1520). In continuing to celebrate the Anointing of the Sick, just as the first apostles did, the Church carries out Christ’s command to heal the sick (cf. Mt 10:8). Of course physical healing can be part of this sacramental restoration if it is God’s will, but healing the sickness of the soul through the forgiveness of sins is primary. Thus this sacred anointing and the prayers accompanying it prepare a person to enter eternal life. In addition, this rite, which may be received more than once, gives illness itself a profound power by uniting the sufferings of the Christian to the sufferings of Christ himself (cf. CCC #1521).



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