
Parish News

The Presentation of the Lord

The presentation of the infant Jesus is the fulfillment of Malachi’s prophesy about the Lord entering the Temple – but he comes not in power and might, but as an infant in the arms of his mother. The passage shows the poverty of the little family (the offering of turtledoves for the mother’s purification sacrifice after childbirth is described in Leviticus 12: 6 as being appropriate for those who cannot afford a lamb). It also shows their piety: Jesus is being raised in a faithful Jewish family, consecrated to the Lord according to the Law. In this beautiful passage, Luke introduces us to two people who represent all those who have longed for the Lord for many, countless, long generations – all those who have been waiting for the Messiah to bring salvation to the People of God. Simeon and Anna place all their hope in God: this elderly man and this elderly woman are both people of prayer, full of faith. Both are given knowledge of the true identity of Jesus. Simeon is also given insight into the passion and suffering that lies ahead, and the sorrow that will pierce the heart of Mary. 

  1. Mary and Joseph bring Jesus to the Temple for a ritual purification and consecration. Today’s world often views ritual and liturgy as unnecessary or meaningless. What is the value of this sort of ritual to mark an important “life moment”? 
  2. Where do you see evidence of both the humanity and the divinity of Jesus in this passage? 
  3. The Feast of the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple has been chosen by the Church as the Day of Consecrated Life – a day of prayer and recognition of all those who have taken vows of poverty, chastity and obedience in consecrated religious life. How does this Gospel passage speak to that vocation?
    (Reflection: Diocese of Saskatoon)


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