
Parish News


Advent is a liturgical season in the Catholic Church that marks the beginning of the Church’s liturgical year. The term “Advent” comes from the Latin word adventus, meaning “coming” or “arrival.” It is a period of preparation, anticipation, and hope, focusing on the coming of Jesus Christ.

Advent has a dual focus:

  • First Coming: Remembering and preparing for the historical birth of Jesus Christ at Christmas.
  • Second Coming: Anticipating Christ’s return in glory at the end of time (Parousia).

 The season emphasizes three key themes:

  • Hope(for Christ’s coming),
  • Peace(of Christ’s reign),
  • Preparation(through repentance and spiritual growth).

Traditions of Advent:

 Advent Wreath:

  • Symbolism: A circular wreath made of evergreen branches symbolizes eternity. Four candles are placed on the wreath, one for each week of Advent. Each candle represents one theme: Hope, Peace, Joy (pink candle), and Love.
  • Weekly Lighting: A new candle is lit each Sunday, culminating in the lighting of the Christ Candle at Christmas.

 Liturgical Colors: 

  • Violet (Purple): Signifies penance, preparation, and royalty.
  • Rose (Pink): Used on the third Sunday (Gaudete Sunday) to represent joy and anticipation.

 Advent Calendar:

  • A daily calendar leading up to Christmas helps mark the days and often includes small prayers or activities to foster spiritual reflection.

 Rorate Masses:

  •  As mentioned earlier, these early morning Masses honor the Virgin Mary and emphasize the light of Christ coming into the world.

Advent invites all of us to prepare our hearts and minds for the coming of Christ. This involves prayer, penance, and acts of charity. It’s a time to reconnect with the core of the Christian faith and reflect on the mystery of the Incarnation—God becoming human. In a world often filled with uncertainty, Advent fosters a sense of hope in the promise of Christ’s return and the fulfillment of God’s Kingdom. Similar to Lent, Advent calls for a spiritual renewal and examination of one’s life, encouraging repentance and transformation.

Advent is a season of joyful anticipation, spiritual preparation, and deep reflection on the mystery of Christ’s coming. It reminds the faithful of the light of Christ breaking into the darkness of the world, bringing hope, peace, and salvation. By engaging in Advent traditions, Catholics strengthen their faith and prepare their hearts to receive Christ more fully at Christmas and at the end of time.


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