Practical Ideas for Lent

Practical Ideas for Lent

Here are some ways to observe Lent meaningfully:

1. Prayer

  • Attend daily Mass when possible.
  • Pray the Stations of the Cross on Fridays.
  • Read and reflect on the Gospels (especially the Passion narratives).
  • Pray the Rosary, focusing on the Sorrowful Mysteries.
  • Spend time in Eucharistic Adoration.
  • Keep a Lenten journal to write prayers and reflections.

2. Fasting & Sacrifice

  • Give up something meaningful (e.g., sweets, social media, or unnecessary spending).
  • Fast on Ash Wednesday & Good Friday (one full meal, two smaller ones).
  • Abstain from meat on Fridays.
  • Reduce screen time and spend more time in silence with God.

3. Almsgiving & Acts of Charity

  • Donate money to a Catholic charity or help the poor.
  • Volunteer at a soup kitchen or homeless shelter.
  • Visit the sick, elderly, or lonely.
  • Forgive someone and reconcile relationships.
  • Support missions or sponsor a child through a Catholic organization.

4. Spiritual Growth

  • Read a Catholic book on spirituality or the saints.
  • Make a good confession at least once during Lent.
  • Commit to daily Scripture reading.

Catholic Education Week

On October 19-20, 2024, we celebrate Catholic Education Sunday across the Diocese of Calgary, marking the start of Catholic Education Week (Oct 19-25). This year's theme is "Testify! Share the reason for your hope."

Let us unite with our community to support and give thanks for Catholic education in Alberta this weekend on Catholic Education Sunday!  


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